Sophies Story

Finding your own path
After graduating from high school, I initially decided to study business law, but then quickly realized: I preferred less law, more business, and more practical relevance. So I first worked to find out which path was the right one for me. While working in a small industrial company, it quickly became clear that various tasks in the commercial sector were particularly suited to me. So training as an industrial clerk was the obvious choice. That’s how I came to Eckert & Ziegler. I was immediately impressed by what the company does. Thanks to my school-leaving exams and good grades, my traineeship only lasted two years.

Lots of support
I really enjoyed the training period. The mixture of theory and practice was perfect and I was able to get to know my strengths and weaknesses. My contacts were always there for me. My colleagues in the specialist departments also took a lot of time to explain everything to me. I was welcome everywhere. It was also great that my interests, strengths, and preferences were taken into account during the training. Not only was I able to visit my favorite department a second time during the specialization phase at the end of my training, but I also started there straight after graduating. The company had kept a position open for me in personnel management.

Responsible tasks that are fun
I am setting up a new recruitment system, have responsibility, and, together with colleagues at other locations, have developed a standardized company description for all German companies for the first time. I enjoy it a lot—also because every day is different: Sometimes there are documents to work on, other times there are creative tasks. In addition, there is always the feeling that I am making a small.
