Mechatronics technician (m/f/d)

Find out everything you need to know about training as an mechatronics technician (m/f/d) at the Eckert & Ziegler Group.

What should I know when I start a traineeship at Eckert & Ziegler?

You will spend the first year of your training at our partner, the ABB Training Center Berlin, in external classes. Here you will acquire broad technical knowledge in the fields of mechanics, electronics, and information technology.


You will then start your practical training at the globally active Eckert & Ziegler Group in Berlin-Buch. Vocational school classes take place at the Oberstufenzentrum für Technische Informatik, Industrieelektronik, Energiemanagement (TIEM) in Berlin-Spandau for the entire training period.

Duration of training: 3.5 years (shortening possible due to good performance)

Training location: Berlin

Start of training: as required as of 1 September

Prerequisites: Secondary school-leaving certificate or (technical) university entrance qualification

What is the training content?

As a mechatronics technician (m/f/d), you are an all-rounder, because in this profession you will acquire a broad range of technical knowledge in the areas of

  • Mechanics
  • Electronics
  • Information technology.

Your area of responsibility is characterized by all activities related to production, such as

  • Metal processing
  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronics
  • Set-up, assembly, and installation of mechatronic systems
  • Commissioning and maintenance

How will the training take place?

First year of training (ABB 12 months)

  • Basics of turning, gas fusion welding, milling
  • Technical communication
  • Manual cutting
  • Transmission technology
  • (Hydraulic) control systems
  • CNC basics

Second year of training (ABB six months, company six months)

  • Basics of PLC programming with simulation software
  • Fundamentals of industrial automation technology
  • Electrical engineering
  • Metal technology
  • Installation and production of a mechatronic system

Third and fourth year of training (ABB two months, company 16 months)

  • Work in the company
  • Consolidation of subject-specific theoretical tasks

What prospects do I have after my traineeship?

After successfully completing your training as a mechatronics technician, you can be employed in many areas where machines and systems are built and maintained. Your training with us will have provided you with extensive technical knowledge and skills for a good start to your career.

Ideally, we would then like to integrate you as a very well-trained junior employee and offer you a career start at the Eckert & Ziegler Group. After successfully completing your training, we will give you an employment guarantee for the first six months.

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